
If you’re dealing with depression, anxiety, or another mental health concern, it can impact all aspects of your life. You may become distant in your relationships, struggle in your career or even find it difficult to enjoy your favorite activities. When faced with a physical ailment, it’s perfectly reasonable to see a doctor for professional advice. Why shouldn’t mental and emotional health be treated with the same importance? Keep in mind that you are not alone; many people struggle with mental health issues and the good news is that many of them are highly treatable. They don’t have to stop you from enjoying your life. If you’ve been thinking about speaking to a mental health counselor, make an appointment with a therapist today at Qlarity Counseling.


Please click on the different sections below for a brief explanation of how each type of therapy typically works.


Couples Therapy

The couple, whether they be married or in any other meaningful relationship, meets with the therapist together on a regular basis. (There may be times when the therapist wants to meet with each client individually for a session) Together, they discuss the issues that each person feels is creating conflict that they have not been able to resolve. The therapist helps to clarify the conflicts and perhaps identify some which were not recognized by the couple and help them to work through those conflicts. The meetings with the therapist create a forum where each individual feels more comfort and security talking through sensitive issues which might have quickly devolved into arguments in the past when attempting to address them on their own. Couples therapy can be hard work. Emotions often run hot, and there can still be intense arguments during the sessions. The therapist is trained to weather those storms and to help the couple do so as well.

Over time, as a group they work to establish more temperate and effective ways of communicating and working through conflicts. While the initial goal of couples therapy is almost always to help the couple work through their conflicts, it does not always result in the couple staying together. It is sometimes established that the goal may not be to maintain the relationship in its current form but to help work through the sadness and pain associated with its transformation or demise.

Obviously, this is most salient when there are children or other family members whose own emotional well-being is affected by the couple’s ability to get along. In the circumstance in which the couple cannot resolve their conflicts by staying together, the therapist can still help the couple work to achieve a healthy new understanding and establish an environment in which children or other loved ones can feel secure and emotionally healthy.